Saturday, February 15, 2014

Former Pro-Bowler, NFL Network Analyst, Charged With Sexual Assault in Los Angeles

Darren Sharper, Former NFL Superstar, Charged With 2 Counts of Sexual Assault in Los Angeles


Darren Sharper-Center and Attorney Blair Burk- Right
  • Sharper played 14 seasons as safety in the NFL
  • He was the 60th overall pick in the 1997 NFL draft (William & Mary College)
  • Worked for WWL-TV (New Orleans) and, most recently, NFL Network
Darren Sharper was charged with two counts of sexual assault Friday, and, according to court documents, is under investigation on six other counts of drug related rape, otherwise known as "date rape."

On January 17th of this year, Sharper was arrested in Los Angeles on the 2 counts of sexual assault but was released on a $200,000 bond. His arraignment was set for Friday, February 14th.

Sharper appeared in court on Friday for arraignment, but it was postponed upon the request of his lawyer. During the court hearing, prosecutors filed a motion to raise his bail to ten million dollars, but the judge didn't immediately accept or deny the motion.

In the bail motion, prosecutors outlined a pattern of allegations of sexual assault across 4 different states in which Sharper allegedly drugged 11 people and sexually assaulted 7 different women within a less than 5 month span of time.

On September 23rd, 2013, a New Orleans woman alleges that she met Sharper at an event for New Orleans Saints players.  After the event ended, she says she accompanied Sharper to a bar where she passed out after being given a drink by the former football player. The victim says that she woke up while being sexually assaulted by Sharper. After an examination at University Hospital, doctors found Sharper's DNA on a perineal swab taken from the victim during the examination.

Bootsy Bellows in Hollywood
On October 30th, 2013 in Los Angeles, California, two women met Sharper at Bootsy Bellows, a west Hollywood bar located on the famed Sunset Boulevard. Sharper invited the women to an "after-party," and they consented to accompany him. Using a car service, Sharper stopped at his hotel room to retrieve "something," according to the victims. Afterwards, they accompanied him to his hotel room. After accepting a drink, allegedly "Coffee Patron," from Sharper, the women say that they were asleep within 2 minutes. Hours later, one of the women says she woke up while being sexually assaulted by Sharper. The other woman says that she woke up on the sofa in his suite and walked in while Sharper was sexually assaulting the first woman and "stopped his actions," according to court documents, at which time they gathered their belongings and left the area of the hotel by way of a taxi cab.

On November 20th, 2013 in Scottsdale, Arizona, two women say they met Sharper at a club in the aforementioned city. One of the women says that the other woman began acting strangely, prompting her friend to take her home. Sharper reportedly returned to the apartment with the women. A third woman was at the apartment and helped the first woman put pajamas on the second woman and put her in bed. Afterwards, the two conscious women say that Sharper provided them with an unknown alcoholic beverage. One of the women claims that she "blacked out" and didn't remember anything until she woke up at approximately 8:15 AM the next day at which time she gathered her belongings and left the apartment. The first woman claims that immediately after taking the shot, she began to feel disoriented, prompting her to proceed to her bedroom to lie down. She claims that on her way to the bathroom, she witnessed Sharper on top of the aforementioned woman with his buttocks exposed. The aforementioned woman says that she woke up with the bottom half of her body exposed. She claims that she didn't know how her pants and underwear were removed. After the incident, both women sought medical treatment. Investigators gathered evidence in the women's apartment, subsequently testing a cup and finding zolpidem, otherwise known as ambien, in a cup taken from the residence.

On January 14th, 2014 in Los Angeles, California, two women allege that they met Sharper at Bootsy Bellows. As the club was closing, Sharper invited both women to an "after-party." The three stayed at the party until 4:00 AM, at which time Sharper invited them to another "after-party." While en-route to the second party location, he stated that he needed to stop by his hotel room to retrieve some type of narcotics at which time he invited both women up to his suite. After they arrived at his residence, Sharper provided both women with an unknown alcoholic beverage. Within minutes of drinking the unknown substance, both women report that they "blacked out." At 8:30 AM, the women reportedly woke up on the pull-out sofa in the living room. One woman says that she immediately felt as if she had been sexually assaulted. They gathered their belongings and left the apartment, seeking medical attention the same evening. They both reported intermittent memory loss.

On January the 15th, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada, two women and one man reportedly met Sharper at a club in the city where Sharper invited the three to his hotel room for an "after-party." Whenever they arrived, they noticed that there was nobody else present in his hotel room at which time Sharper gave them all shots of an unknown beverage. All three reported that they immediately blacked out and lost consciousness. One of the women reported that she woke up next to Sharper in his bed, got up to use the restroom, and noticed visible injuries to her face of which she could not account for. She got back into the bed with Sharper. When she awoke once again, Sharper asked her how she was feeling, claiming that she had vomited the night before. Sharper then gave her an unknown beverage, claiming that it would make her feel better. After taking a few sips of the beverage, the woman claims that her next memory of consciousness was of Sharper sexually assaulting her. Later that day, the other woman claims that she woke up alone in the living room of the suite and felt immediately as if she had been sexually assaulted. Later that evening, both women sought medical attention at which time they were given a sexual assault examination. Both women and the unknown man reported having intermittent memory loss. The man says that his first memory of consciousness after taking the shot was of him sitting alone at the bar in the same hotel. He does not know how he got there. Las Vegas Police Officer Jose Hernandez says that the investigation is ongoing and will be submitted to the local District Attorney's office.
Darren Sharper- Right Side

 Darren Sharper has hired famed defense attorney, Blair Burk, whom has defended such celebrities as Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, Ceelo Green, and Kanye West. After his arraignment hearing, which was postponed until February 20th, Burk said to media and reporters, "We look forward to the true facts being revealed in this case, and we are hopeful that Mr. Sharper will be fully exonerated before this case is concluded." Sharper is expected to enter a plea at the February 20th arraignment.

Sharper has only been formally charged in the alleged January 14th assault, but the other alleged assaults are still being investigated.

Sharper was a 14 year veteran of the NFL. He played for the Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings, and New Orleans Saints. He is a 5 time pro-bowler, former Super Bowl champion, and 6 time selection to the NFL's All Pro Team along with being a 2 time All American in college. After retirement, he worked as an analyst for WWL-TV in New Orleans, and, most recently, the NFL Network.

He has been suspended without pay by the NFL. They refused to comment on the matter stating that they do not comment on ongoing investigations.

List of Athletes Who Were Charged With Sex Crimes:

  • Mike Tyson
  • Ruben Patterson
  • Tom Payne
  • Mel Hall
  • "Fast" Eddie Johnson
  • Trevor Berbick
  • Thomas Henderson
  • Dave Meggett
  • Nate Webster
  • Keith Wright
  • Chad Curtis

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Deliberations In Loud Music Murder Trial

Deliberations Continue In Florida Murder Trial Of Jordan Davis


Jury members have deliberated for over 22 hours total in the Jordan Davis "Loud Music Murder Trial." As the jurors were rounding the 20th hour of deliberations, they asked Judge Russell Healey if they could find the defendant, Michael Dunn, guilty on some charges but not others.

Healey replied, "Yes, the law allows that."

Despite deliberating for over 22 hours, the sequestered jury could not reach a verdict on any of the charges, so they are due back in court Saturday morning. 

Along with being charged with first degree murder, Dunn is also charged with three counts of attempted murder, for the three friends that were in the car with Davis, and 1 count of shooting a firearm at a vehicle. 

Whenever the jurors left the courtroom, Judge Healey said to the people of the court that if the jury returned in a deadlock, certain deadlock procedures would have to be followed. 

A Florida Supreme Court committee says that those procedures include having the jurors go back into the deliberation room and, one by one, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each jurors position. A mistrial will be declared if they are still deadlocked afterwards. 

Updates will be made on this blog tomorrow whether a decision is reached or not.

Deliberations Continue In Loud Music Murder Trial

Second Day Of Deliberations End In Florida Parking Lot Shooting Death Of Jordan Davis


  • Michael Dunn, 47, is charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of Jordan Davis, 17
  • Jury deliberations lasted for two hours Wednesday, continued through Thursday, and will resume on Friday
  • Loud music was the catalyst for this shooting
Michael Dunn pleaded self defense in the murder trial of Jordan Davis. It's up to a jury to decide if that is true or not.  In November of 2012, 17 year old Jordan Davis was shot and killed in a parking lot of a convenience store in Jacksonville, Florida.

Davis was out with friends the evening of the shooting and was listening to loud music in the parking lot of a Gate convenience store. Michael Dunn approached the car and told the group to turn the music down. What happened afterwards is disputed by the defendant and the witnesses for the prosecution.

Dunn alleges that Davis, after the verbal dispute, said to Dunn, "You're dead." Dunn says that he heard Davis say, "This [expletive] is going down now." He also stated that he saw Davis pointed what he believed to be a shotgun at him.  Feeling that his life was in imminent danger, he reached into the glove-box of his car, grabbed a gun, and fired 9 shots in Davis' direction, 3 of which struck the 17 year old fatally. He then drove away from the scene. On the stand, he told prosecutors that he left the scene because he didn't believe anybody had been struck by the bullets.

The Durango that Davis was sitting in had 3 other people in it, all of whom testified against Dunn in the case. They allege that after Dunn asked the boys to turn the music down, one of the boys turned the music down, at which time Davis said, "[Expletive] that," and turned the music back up. After a verbal argument, Tevin Thompson, who was sitting in the seat in front of Davis, testified that Dunn brandished the 9mm handgun and fired 9 shots at the backseat of the car indiscriminately. The alleged shotgun was never found.

Drawing very similar comparisons to the Trayvon Martin case, Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law has once again come under scrutiny. One report (Click here to read) states that "racial and ethnic minorities could be at greater risk because of negative stereotypes," however; in Florida, use of the law by blacks and Hispanics has equaled or exceeded those killed.

32 states have adopted some form of the "Stand Your Ground" law which is also known as the Castle Doctrine. Iowa, Virginia, and Washington have considered adopting some form of this law.

Deliberations will continue Friday.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Juan Carlos Chavez Executed In Florida

Juan Carlos Chavez Executed In Florida For 1995 Rape, Murder, and Dismemberment Of Jimmy Ryce


Jimmy Ryce
  • Chavez was convicted of kidnapping, sexual battery, and first degree murder in 1998
  • Death certificate was signed by Florida Governor Rick Scott on January 2nd of this year
  • Ryce's murder was the catalyst of the "Jimmy Ryce Act"
Juan Carlos Chavez was executed Wednesday night for the murder of Samuel James "Jimmy" Ryce of which he was convicted in 1998.  Chavez made no final statement, but prison officials stated that he submitted something in writing before the execution.

Chavez was lethally injected at 8:02 PM. He was seen shuffling his feet immediately after the injection and was pronounced d
ead at 8:17 PM.

Chavez abducted Rice, 9 at the time, on September 11, 1995. As the boy was walking home from a bus stop, Chavez blocked his path on the street with his truck and forced the boy into his truck at gunpoint. Chavez then took the boy to his trailer where he raped him. Hours later, after hearing a helicopter in the sky which was searching for him, he attempted to run out of the door, at which time Chavez shot the boy in the back, holding him until he took his final breaths.

Chavez worked a local family and lived on their property in a trailer. Around the time of the boy's disappearance, Chavez's employers reported items missing from her home which included some jewelry and a handgun. Expecting Chavez to be the culprit, the employer, Susan Scheinhaus, hired a locksmith and entered Chavez's trailer. Being the legal owner of the trailer, she was within the scope of legality. Upon entering the trailer, she found Ryce's backpack and the stolen handgun. She reported her findings to the FBI on December 5th, 1995. Chavez was apprehended the next day and questioned by investigators.

After a 55 hour investigation, Chavez admitting to kidnapping, raping, and murdering Jimmy. Chavez then led investigators to the boy's body, which was dismembered and hidden in cement.

In the fall of 1988, Chavez was convicted of kidnapping, capital sexual battery, and first degree murder and subsequently sentenced to death.

The Jimmy Ryce Act, formally known as the Jimmy Ryce Involuntary Civil Commitment for Sexually Violent Predators' Treatment and Care Act, was passed and signed on May 19th, 1998, becoming effective on January 1st, 1999. The act calls for inmates convicted of sex offenses to be reviewed by the Florida Department of Corrections, the Department of Children and Family Services, and state attorneys in order to determine a rating based of risk of re-offending. Upon release from incarceration, under the act, inmates convicted of sexual offenses may be subjected to civil proceedings and commitment to a secure facility for treatment and evaluation.

The Ryce family created the Jimmy Ryce Center for Victims of Predatory Abduction, an organization that helps increase public awareness about sexual predators. It also provides counseling to parents of victims and helps train law enforcement in ways to respond to missing children cases. The organization has also donated over 400 bloodhounds to police departments internationally.

The Ryce family also helped persuade former President Bill Clinton to sign an order allowing flyers for missing children in federal buildings, which they were not able to do while their son was missing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

C. Ray Nagin, Former New Orleans Mayor, Found Guilty On Multiple Charges

Clarence Ray Nagin Jr., Former New Orleans Mayor, Found Guilty On 20 Charges Of Accepting Bribes


Clarence Ray Nagin, 60th Mayor of New Orleans
  • Was mayor of New Orleans from 2002 to 2010
  • Was mayor during Hurricane Katrina
  • Best known for his "Chocolate City" speech immediately after Hurricane Katrina
 Former New Orleans mayor, Ray Nagin, was found guilty of 20 out of 21 of the charges brought against him Wednesday. After jury deliberations, Nagin was found guilty of wire fraud, conspiracy, bribery, money laundering and filing false tax returns.

Before the verdict was read, the 57 year old told reporters, "I've been at peace with this for a long time. I'm good."

Nagin, a democrat who served 8 years in the mayoral office, is accused to have accepted bribes, trips and truckloads of granite from a local business owners. One of those business owners, Frank Fradella, pleaded guilty to federal charges of security fraud and insider trading last July.

 After the verdict was read, U.S. District Judge, Helen Berrigan, ordered that his bond be changed to allow "additional conditions of electronic monitoring and home confinement."

Ray Nagin Outside of the Courthouse
Nagin denied involvement in any of the charges, but the members of the jury didn't buy into his story. He was found guilty of all charges save one charge of bribery. Each charge carries a sentence of 3 to 20 years under federal law, but it is unclear how much time he may actually be spending in prison. His sentence will be dependent upon a pre-sentence investigation and sentencing guidelines.

As Nagin and his attorney,  Robert Jenkins, were walking out of the courthouse among a slew of media and reporters, Nagin could be heard stating, "I maintain my innocence."

Nagin's attorney said that an appeal will be filed.

Ray Nagin Giving A Speech (Courtesy of AP)
Fradella, awaiting sentencing for charges to which he pleaded guilty, testified against Nagin. Another contractor, Rodney Williams, also was charged, pleaded guilty, is awaiting sentencing and testified against Nagin.

The indictment, made in January of 2013, stated that the former mayor received more than $200,000 in bribes, a vacation in Hawaii, a first-class flight to Jamaica, private jet travel, a limousine for a trip to New York City and cellular phone service. In exchange, businesses that gave these things to Nagin won more than $5 million dollars in city contracts.

The charges stemmed from a City Hall corruption investigation that resulted in many convictions and guilty pleas from former Nagin associates.

Nagin is remembered, by many, for his "Chocolate City" speech given after the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. In this speech, he stated that, "We as black people, it's time, it's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. And I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day."

He continued in the same speech by stating that New Orleans "will be a majority African-American city. It's the way God wants it to be."

The guilty verdict and trial come less than a week after fellow Democrat and Mayor Tony Mack was found guilty of similar charges.

Sentencing is set for June 11th of this year.